Dental Implant Process
Despite all the advances in oral and dental health, many people lose their teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease or due to various diseases. For many years, bridges and dentures were the only treatment options available to people who had lost their teeth.
With the development of medicine, there is today a completely new, more reliable, aesthetic and permanent method, which is dental implants, and it consists of two basic stages, which are metal roots implants, which serve as a basis, and the other stage is the installation of artificial teeth over previously implanted metal retainers.
Dental implants A treatment to correct missing teeth, dental implants can be a suitable solution to get new and strong teeth. Most people are eligible for dental implants.
Candidates for dental implants for those who have:
- healthy gums
- strong skeleton
- Adequate bone density
- One or more missing teeth
- healthy oral tissues
How are dental implants done? People who have problems with their teeth but do not prefer traditional solutions such as dentures and cannot make a decision, they wonder how the dental implant process is done. The mouth determines the type of implant and the method of application.
The implant is a screw-shaped material made of titanium that is placed inside the jawbone. It is designed to replace the root of the tooth.
Another tooth-shaped material is placed on this implant, this material is usually zirconium or metal-reinforced porcelain.
As with all surgeries, dental implant surgery also poses some side effects.
The symptoms of dental implants are among the rare symptoms when they occur, they are usually simple and can be treated immediately, and these symptoms are:
Inflammation at the site of cultivation.
Injury or damage to surroundings such as teeth or other blood vessels Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling.
Sinus problems.
The dental implant process consists of two stages: the surgical (implant) stage and the installation stage.
The surgery takes about 15 minutes per implant under normal circumstances. It changes according to the condition of the jaw bones and the number of implants to be placed.
Dental implants are placed in the jawbone under local anaesthesia. So there will be no pain during the operation. You may feel pain when the anesthesia wears off 3-4 hours after the operation. This level of pain can vary from person to person, of course painkillers will be prescribed to reduce this pain.
After the implants are surgically placed, you should wait two to four months. This waiting period is the time required for the implant to fuse with the jawbone, which is called “osseointegration”.
The installation stage, the upper crown is manufactured to be installed on the pre-implanted implants, and 3D planning systems are used to obtain teeth suitable for the patient’s mouth and the long-term success of the implant.
Dental implants have many benefits such as;
A radical and permanent solution to get rid of dental problems
Getting rid of abnormalities or unwanted conditions in the shape of the mouth and jaw.
There is no tooth decay, deterioration or disturbance in its functions after implantation.
Given the interest, its costs are reasonable.
The time required to stay in Istanbul for dental implants in the first stage ranges between 3 days to 10 days, and the second stage from a week to 10 days, 3 or 4 months after the first stage.
The costs of the dental implant process vary from case to case and according to the position of the jawbone and gums, and also the matter changes according to the number of implants and the type of implants.