After deformations occur in the abdominal area due to sagging and cracks when people gain weight and then lose it or after repeated births, the abdominal wall becomes flabby and stretched in an elastic way too much. This operation is performed to get rid of excess skin in the area to get a tight abdomen.
The patient will get satisfactory results after the surgical abdominoplasty because he will get rid of the inappropriate appearance and get a tight, straight abdomen without any sagging or cracks and excess skin.
The candidates for the operation are the women who gave birth to children and the reason for this is their sagging, in addition to the patients who were suffering from obesity and have reduced this weight, whether through obesity operations such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, or through diet, which caused sagging in the abdominal area as a result Frequent stretching and contraction of the skin and there are many cases and differ from one patient to another. For all the details, click here.
A surgical tummy tuck is done to get rid of sagging by making a surgical incision below the navel and above the pubic area.
The doctor first gets rid of the excess fat, cuts the excess skin, and re-sews the inner muscles of the superficial skin area. This process takes about two hours under general anesthesia.
Like any surgery, it can have side effects, but there is no side effect that puts the patient’s life at risk, due to the experience and skill of the doctor who performs the operation.
Of course, it is possible for the doctor to perform the suction process in addition to the tightening process, which is a very common process and gives great results in addition to other operations. For all the details and information, click here.
It is very important to wear the corset after the tightening process in order to ensure the desired result and to prevent fluid accumulation in the area and reduce swelling. This period is about three weeks continuously without interruption, and then for another three weeks, but the patient wears it only during the sleep period.
The patient must stay for two nights in the hospital to stay under the supervision and attention of the doctors, after which he needs to recuperate for four to five days and then he can return to his normal life.
Surgical tummy tuck costs vary from case to case.